Beard care tips summarized

Beard care tips summarized –
Who would have thought
Today in this blog we are dealing with beard care, shaving and hair care, with the general topic of beard care and tips on this.
After growing, a well-groomed beard requires attention and care. After all, after letting your hair grow, you want to continue to treat your beard, which has been maintained and cared for for a long time, properly. Even if this requires one or two tips from others and a lot of time.
Shaving and hair care, almost every grooming procedure common to modern men today requires time. An investment in your appearance that the world of women also appreciates. So you certainly know why you like investing this time.
Especially with beard care sets, you are well prepared for the daily work on your facial hair. But you often ask yourself, what do I have to consider and what kind of utensils do I actually need as basic equipment?
We will therefore introduce you to beard care tips that lay a foundation for beard grooming in the following sections.
The daily laundry
The first section of our beard care tips includes daily washing.
Whether in the shower in the morning or in front of a sink for a short time. The core of the matter is always the same.
Throughout the day, your beard becomes increasingly dirty, for example from food or dust. Of course, these need to be removed at time X, i.e. every now and then, without damaging your beard hair.
After all, the keyword of Beard Grooming is beard care. You can of course find tips for washing in our blog. In summary: Wash your beard regularly with the help of a special beard shampoo . This gently removes impurities without damaging your beard hair or, in the worst case, drying it out. After all, the hair shampoo for your head hair, for example, is intended to remove grease in particular (in short, this is not a beard care tip from our side, but an important point in life).
Well then! In the beard, these natural fats are generally safe for skin and hair and promote the health of your beard hair. By using a special beard shampoo , you can ensure that your facial hair is not damaged due to the necessary cleaning. This brings us to the next point in our beard care tips. The beard care oil .
The good, familiar beard oil
Beard oil is now one of the classic beard care tips. Due to the selected and natural substances used in the composition, beard oil has significant care properties. These find their place not only in your beard hair, but also on your skin to do you good. The great scent, which finds its place in every product thanks to the selection of essential oils, is a delight under your olfactory bulb and enchants the female sex, especially in intimate moments. One of the absolute beard care tips!
Beard oil also makes your beard hair softer, stronger than other beard care products on the market, and gives your beard hair a great silky matte shine that simply makes your hair look healthy. You can of course find a selection of great beard oils in our Charlemagne Premium Shop. If you are interested in this rather extensive topic, you should read this blog entry .
But now we come to our next candidate in the beard care tips section. The good old beard wax.
Beard wax , lasts in all weathers
Beard wax is the panacea for getting your beard into shape for special styling. A twisted mustache in particular can be stubborn if it is not given the right material to shape it. It basically doesn't matter whether it is Bavarian or Hungarian beard wax. To get a detailed description of this care product, you should browse through this link . The beard wax itself has a much higher strength after hardening than the beard pomade, which we will discuss in the next section of our beard care tips.
Beard pomade , for loose styling
Beard pomade is used to shape your facial hair. In contrast to the beard pomade already described, it also has the advantage of not hardening as much. While beard wax is used especially for special styling, the topic of pomade works differently when it comes to beard care tips. It is ideal for simple shaping, for example your full beard. Furthermore, beard pomade consists mainly of fats. To give just one example, Vaseline is used here. This fat is necessary to give your beard hair the moisture it needs and prevent it from drying out. This is accompanied by a similarly great, silky matt shine, which reflects a fresh and well-groomed look to the person you are talking to and simply makes you look “fresh”.
After this presentation of the three previous beard care products, we now move on to the next beard care tips. This time specifically about the necessary tools for beard care.
The beard brush , grooming made easy
The beard brush is a basic tool in your beard care equipment. It is not only used for brushing your beard hair every day to get it into shape after your morning shower, but when used outside of this moment it also removes any dirt that has arisen, such as the dust or food residue listed at the beginning. In addition, due to the very close arrangement of the brush bristles, no matter what material they are made of, a beard brush distributes the care products you have introduced into the pores. An important keyword, because beard care products not only serve the beard hair, but also have great care effects on the facial skin underneath the beard hair. By using them, you can prevent dryness and other irritations and give your face the best possible treatment. When it comes to the topic of the best, we would like to move on to our next point in beard care tips. The beard comb !
The beard comb , for quick grooming on the go
Especially a beard that has been allowed to grow needs to be brought back into its styled shape from time to time. The beard comb is particularly suitable for quick styling in between thanks to its compact and flat design. A beard comb is also ideal for beard care when traveling, as it can easily be hidden in even the smallest hand luggage or even your trouser pocket without taking up much space. Usually made of plastic or the wood commonly used for beard care tools, a beard comb also looks aesthetic and underlines the masculinity of every user. A clear must-have for beard care. You can of course find a beautiful wooden example of this variety in our Charlemagne Premium Shop, which brings us straight to the last of our beard care tips. The razor.
The razor.
The razor is the tool for keeping your hair smooth to the skin of your face, but especially for shaving the contours of your beard. It basically doesn't matter whether the styling is the ever-popular 3-day beard or rather a Kaiser Wilhelm with a twirled mustache. Maintaining a beard requires having properly shaved contours. Only this form of care will make your beard look the way it should actually stand out. Razors are made with interchangeable blades or a one-piece blade made of metal. Most of the time it is stainless steel. Each design of the knife has its specific advantages, which you can of course track in our blog . In addition to the great and diverse natural or artificial materials that usually comprise the handles of this tool, it must be clearly mentioned that shaving with a razor is a procedure of a true man. Our team always has a clear GO for this tool, even if it requires a little practice to use.
With the beard care tips described, you are prepared to give your beard the care it needs. To get into the individual topics in more detail, you should take a look at the linked blog entries. They can give you specific knowledge about the individual products and tools so that you don't run the risk of being left out in the rain.
By the may have already sent one or two entries to your friends by email. Your friends will also benefit from beard care tips if they also have a beard. As always, you can of course find the products listed in our Charlemagne Premium Shop. Let Charlemagne inspire you!
“A healthy and well-groomed beard is important for a real man, that’s why we offer everything you need to keep yours doing so.”
As barbers with over 20 years of experience in the trade, we were looking for styling and care products that convinced us 100%. There were some good products on the market, but none that really gave us what we needed. After some consideration, we decided in 2014 that we wanted to develop our own series. For two years, every evening after work in the barbershop, we used every free minute to work on developing the recipes in our basement. When it came to ingredients, the best was just good enough for us. We purchased the best available jojoba oils in Morocco, and argan oil from Italy.
After two years and numerous tests, we had our first product range, with which we have been delighting our customers ever since - we think 98% positive reviews speak for themselves. This has of course been continuously developed since its official launch in 2016. This is just one of the reasons why Charlemagne Premium products have won not just one, but several comparison tests in recent years.
You can of course find all of our products here in our online store. If you have any questions about our products, you can reach us at any time at .