Coloring the hairline is not just an issue on the head

Coloring the hairline, not just an issue on the head | Charlemagne Premium We all know it, but the women's world is also struggling with the issue. The gray hairs that inevitably creep into the...

The discounters and their products for shaving - The Aldi razor blades

The discounters and their products for shaving - The Aldi razor blades Discounters all over the world offer the broadest product ranges for end consumers. From everyday foods to seasonal “popular items” to care products,...

Does shaving make your beard grow faster?

Does shaving make your beard grow faster?   Men love having a beard or see it as torture. Shaving or simply having great facial hair is passion rather a way of life. Whether your professional...

Permanent hair removal from a man’s beard – a daring undertaking

Permanent hair removal from a man’s beard – a daring undertaking Hello men! A frequently discussed topic in the men's world, whether smooth skin or rather coarse, is the permanent hair removal of men's beards....

Beard contours – why they are so important

Beard contours – why they are so important Wearing facial hair is handled extremely individually. One wearer likes his beard hair as long as possible, another neat and cropped short. But both men of creation...

Razor blades behind bars - advantages that come with being locked up

Razor blades behind bars - advantages that come with being locked up The man himself is an individual. One person likes it extravagant and uses a safety razor when shaving, as Grandpa used to do....

Everything you should know about beard trimming tools

Everything you should know about beard trimming tools The possibly golden hair shimmers in the summer light and blows in the wind. Should that be all by now? Maybe I want to get more out...

D'artagnan and the 3 Musketeers - What makes the Musketeer beard

D'artagnan and the 3 Musketeers - What makes the Musketeer beard Today in the Charlemagne Premium Blog we're addressing the topic of a musketeer beard. Derived from the beard styles of the Musketeer Guard, the...

7 tips for cutting your beard

7 tips for cutting your beard In today's Charlemagne Premium Blog we will discuss 7 tips for trimming your beard. As has been reported one or two times in the past, there are many different...