The beard shampoo test - 11 points why you should use beard shampoo

The beard shampoo test - 11 points why you should use beard shampoo
For most people, washing your hair during your daily shower is not only an absolute matter of course, but also a necessity. Who can really wake up without a refreshing shower in the morning that also serves as body hygiene? Who wants to go through the world with greasy hair and look like a Kelly Family member from the 90s?
However, the most expensive care products, such as conditioners and shampoo, are rarely used explicitly on beard hair. Rightly so, just to get ahead of ourselves!
Below we will write down 11 reasons why your beard deserves to be cared for with beard shampoo. In a more demanding and also less demanding way, we will explain why it is essential to clean your beard. Be part of the few people who do this and be vigilant in the following. Happy reading!
Of course we are not shy and tried the topic ourselves... first our Maggi...
Why test beard shampoo?
Although beard hair has special properties that require special care, cleaning it is often neglected.
The correct procedure here is to use beard shampoo to properly clean your beard hair. A wide variety of ingredients, but also the associated effect on the beard hair, should not be underestimated.
Over the course of a day, your beard is confronted with many situations that inevitably put strain on it, or rather on the hair. A juicy burger, but also other food, will undoubtedly spread residue into your facial hair from time to time and leave its mark. The individual's profession can also bring with it certain criteria. If you are a carpenter and therefore often come into contact with wood dust, you have probably noticed that your beard hair feels different, almost dull, after a hard day's work.
The reason is the dust that remains in your hair and dries it out.
Care products
Beard care after shaving is an absolute must. In addition to the previously mentioned contaminants that are unconsciously brought into the beard hair, the factor of care products naturally comes into play. Like the previously mentioned impurities, these must be washed regularly, at least in part, from the beard. Beard shampoo or beard soap, which can be used for heavy contamination, can be a great tool for you.
The contents of a beard shampoo in the test
The gentle ingredients and therefore a gentle PH-neutral beard shampoo in the test was an exclusion criterion from the start. Care products, especially special beard shampoo or beard wash, for daily beard care do not contain parabens, silicones and polyethylene glycols. This is the only way to ensure that your beard becomes softer and smoother.
The beard hair
Due to the short length of a three-day beard, treatment with beard shampoo is not yet mandatory, but as soon as you wear your hair longer, this is the time to take appropriate measures because:
In contrast to the hair on your head, the beard hair itself depends on the natural fats produced by your skin.
The beard shampoo
Normal hair shampoo or the normal shower gel for your hairstyle is basically the same as beard shampoo and beard soap. Beard and hair should be cleaned. If the aim of the hair on the head is to wash out the body's own fats with normal hair shampoo, this is exactly what should be avoided with shampoo for the beard and thus protect the hair from drying out through mild care. However, food residue and other impurities should still be removed from the beard hair. Not an easy task, especially with longer beard hair.
The everyday
Basically, it is not necessary to wash your beard hair with beard shampoo every day. One application every 2-3 days is often enough. Otherwise, you can clean your facial hair with warm water. Adding additional care products can really work, make your beard hair silky shiny and fully develop in your hair.
...and our Chris also let his beard hair fully develop:
You also save money this way because the consumption of beard shampoo is inevitably reduced.
As mentioned, you should wash your beard hair with warm water if possible. If you use it in the shower, this will inevitably not apply. Accordingly, preparing your beard is not really rocket science and can be done by everyone, but it is not unimportant, as this is the only way to ensure that your own beard shampoo test can have its full effect.
The application when you use beard shampoo
Of course, as with any product, the application of beard shampoo can vary a little. In the course of this, you should first skim the product description in order to know the exact background of exposure times and the like. This is the only way you don't run the risk of doing the wrong thing. Basically, the following can be said about beard cleaning and the associated procedure:
The amount X of your purchased product is first placed on your hand and then massaged into the hair of your beard. In particular, massaging it in and letting it work is extremely important, because beard shampoo also cleans the skin underneath the beard hair, which the product can only reach if it is distributed at the roots of the hair.
After the necessary exposure time, you can simply rinse out the used and foamed beard shampoo with warm water or lukewarm water, for our wimps in the group. Make sure that the care product is completely washed out of your beard hair. In the beard shampoo test, this was a difficult undertaking depending on the test subjects. Ultimately, most guys simply weren't experienced in cleaning their faces carefully and completely rinsing out the foam that comes with beard shampoo. So pay attention to the procedure!
Your skin
By distributing the product correctly, you can ensure that the skin and hair are supplied with the nutrients contained in the beard shampoo. Nutrients are the key word here, because they are an absolute plus for your skin. In addition, the substances contained in the beard shampoo protect people with sensitive facial skin from drying out the skin layers. A very important point, because dry skin tends to form dandruff.
The great side effect
If you also use beard oil with ingredients such as essential oils, please don't forget that beard shampoo is also often scented. Here the mixture can create a new overall package or go completely wrong. When used in the wrong combination, essential oils such as peppermint and camphor can quickly become a real odor killer in beard care products.
You should also pay attention to the ingredients when buying, but this only depends on your personal initial situation, especially if you are an allergy sufferer. The wrong ingredients can cause reactions in or on your skin that can be quite painful. Rashes, irritations and itchy exema are just a prime example of the results that can occur from mishandling cosmetic items!
Using the tips mentioned above, we have explained to you what beard shampoo is and why you should use it for beard care. Due to its properties of cleaning your beard without depriving it of the necessary moisture, but rather missing it, you should also use a beard shampoo test in order to give the topic of a well-groomed beard the respect it deserves and to be able to find the product you trust.
As always, you can find suitable care products beyond 200ml in our Charlemagne Premium Shop . Ultimately, trying out products in particular leads to success. The journey is the destination because:
“A healthy and well-groomed beard is important for a real man, that’s why we offer everything you need to keep yours doing so.”
As barbers with over 20 years of experience in the trade, we were looking for styling and care products that convinced us 100%. There were some good products on the market, but none that really gave us what we needed. After some consideration, we decided in 2014 that we wanted to develop our own series. For two years, every evening after work in the barbershop, we used every free minute to work on developing the recipes in our basement. When it came to ingredients, the best was just good enough for us. We purchased the best available jojoba oils in Morocco, and argan oil from Italy.
After two years and numerous tests, we had our first product range, with which we have been delighting our customers ever since - we think 98% positive reviews speak for themselves. This has of course been continuously developed since its official launch in 2016. This is just one of the reasons why Charlemagne Premium products have won not just one, but several comparison tests in recent years.
You can of course find all of our products here in our online store . If you have any questions about our products, you can reach us at any time at .