Help! The hairline hurts!

Help! The hairline hurts! Today we will address the (unfortunately) widespread topic of painful hairlines. This phenomenon often occurs without notice to those affected and thus ensures that  that the scalp hurts So what do...

Should you use castor oil for beard care?

Should you use castor oil for beard care?   Castor oil in beard . A somewhat strange connection at first. Castor oil is known to the masses as a helpful laxative and has been used...

Hair loss - 5 important arguments in favor of hairline spray

Hair loss - 5 important arguments in favor of hairline spray Some men are bothered by it, others simply come to terms with a natural aging process. But at one point most of the masters...

The application photo - 5 tips on whether and which beard you should wear

The application photo - 5 tips on whether and which beard you should wear At some point, everyone comes close to having to face the hurdle of a new professional challenge. Whether it's to get...

Why coconut oil is worth its weight in gold for your beard

Why coconut oil is worth its weight in gold for your beard In addition to the care products often containing chemicals and alcohol, which are available in every common drugstore, many people wonder what natural...

What is the perfect stubble length?

What is the perfect stubble length? An evergreen among beard styles, exactly, the three-day stubble. Whether stars like Bradley Cooper or Brad Pitt, everyone wears it, wore it or will not be able to avoid...

Twirl your beard? Real men dare to twirl mustaches!

Twirl your beard? Real men dare to twirl mustaches! It's time! After long and diligent care, but above all after the long wait, you have achieved what you were waiting for. Your lip plays hide...

What can you do about pimples on your hairline?

What can you do about pimples on your hairline? Long gone are the days when a man would exchange bodily fluids with his hot childhood friend without thinking about what the good lady would think...

5 facts about Hungarian beard wax

5 facts about Hungarian beard wax We have already reported several times in the past about beard wax and its various versions. As you can see, it's definitely a topic that seems worth discussing. It...